ohoskin orange and cactus leather alternative

Ohoskin’s 2021: our first year

2021 was the year in which Ohoskin® took its first real steps.

It has been twelve months of events, encounters, and challenges. Indeed, we built and formed our project with that which a startup needs to grow. Awards, startup acceleration programs, clients, and lots of work to spread the word about our leather alternative from orange and cactus.

Awards and Programs

First, we won three accelerator programs. These have guaranteed us high-level development, as well as a network that has been integral to our growth.


  • Specifically, Plug and Play, CRIT, Fondazione di Modena e Cassa Depositi e Prestiti selected us out of the ten projects involved in the Motor Valley Accelerator.
  • The MIP jury – Murate Idea Park, the Florentine incubator for innovative ideas in the fashion and design world, acknowledged us as the contest’s most voted startup.
  • Finally, Unicredit selected us as one of the sixteen startups innovating the “Made in Italy” brand for StartLab.

Next are our acknowledgments:

2021 was also the year in which we felt the thrill of boarding a plane again to tour Italy. We traveled to let everyone touch our bio-based, vegan material alternative to leather for the first time from orange and cactus. This year’s events were what made 2021 Ohoskin®’s true baptism.

  • The first time was at Modena’s Motor Valley Fest, the event most eagerly awaited by motor lovers from all over Italy, which during July turned the sunny center of the Emilian city into a showroom of dream cars. And Ohoskin® was presented as the ideal solution for those who wanted to keep the luxurious leather feel in their own cars but without sacrificing sustainability.
  • Summer wasn’t even over when we set off again, this time heading to Milan, a city rich with beauty and the desire to innovate, for Design Week. Here Ohoskin® was put on display for the general public, along with many other materials of the future.
  • We were also guests at events such as SMAU and the Motor Valley Expo. To finish out the year, we returned to our own city, Catania. Here we presented our collaborations with Distefano, Ceramiche DeSimone, Industria01, and the artist Sdrina.
Our special project featuring DiStefano and Sdrina


We drew attention, bringing Ohoskin® to national press, in Quattroruote, Repubblica ed Elle, among others. We have also appeared on TV, with our participation on National television at LineaVerde and on Mediaset at StaseraItalia to talk about our alternative material.

Our Work

Successes are the fruit of every day’s work to create a product, as well as a more sustainable future. The energy invested in marketing and communications. The lessons learned thanks to accelerators and workshops. The discussions for an investment round will allow us to realize our future goals (we’ve already received the first 100,000 euros and the other 500,000 may arrive soon). But above all, the commitment to make our vegan material an essential component of new, luxurious, and sustainable products.

That has brought Ohoskin® to automotive, furnishing, and fashion companies’ laboratories. The test results are highly promising. Soon we’ll be able to sell Ohoskin® on environmentally-friendly sofas, cars, and fashion accessories.

What awaits us in 2022?

It seems incredible that it’s only been a year. The things that have happened, the people that we’ve met, the places we’ve visited, and the emotions we’ve felt are countless. But at the end of the year, we should not only reflect but look ahead as well. We’re ready to dive into 2022 with clear ideas about how we want to build our future.

Selling our first product, suited for the home furnishing and accessories industries. And raising a million euros in investments to reach our goals.

These goals will be challenging to achieve. But if there’s one thing 2021 has taught us, it’s that we’re capable of achieving anything. And that’s exactly what we want to keep doing. For us, for the planet, for those who want to live sustainably. Without sacrificing anything.

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