Ohoskin in Japan

Ohoskin exhibited worldwide at Italian Design Day

Last March, Ohoskin® joined other brands committed to creating a sustainable design on the Italian Design Day. We exhibited our bio-based material from the byproducts of oranges and cacti in two very different countries worldwide. We proved that Made in Italy’s style, elegance, and luxury allure can marry with an environmentally-conscious approach. It is the concept of the circular economy: to regenerate and recycle existing materials.

What is Italian Design Day?

Italian Design Day is a review organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ADI; Triennale di Milano; in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. 

It consists of a series of special events. They are hosted in the Italian embassies, consulates, and the offices of the Italian agency for business internationalization worldwide. The scope is to promote “the design and the internationalization of a strategic industrial sector for Italian exports.” 

Each year has a specific topic. They consider a particular aspect of the excellence, the creativity, and the lifestyle of Italian design.

Also, the reviews focus on how it tackles the contemporary world’s challenges.

This year’s topic

The topic for 2022’s Italian Design Day was Re-Generation. The challenge is to envision the future of design in a contemporary world. One where we all feel the urge to shift towards sustainability, from citizens to governments. The answer is to re-imagine and re-use the spaces we live in and the things we use. 

Because of that, designers focus on giving new life and purposes to existing ones. It is a shift of paradigm in the framework of a circular economy, the same that Ohoskin® makes. For this reason, the organizers selected it as a testimonial for the review.

The core of its innovation is to use industrial byproducts from orange and cactus to create a luxury leather alternative. A great example of regeneration that delivers great Italian design that we exhibited in Kenya and Japan.

Our exhibit in Kenya

First of all, we presented our biobased material to the architecture and design students at Kenyatta University on March 23rd. There, our business development manager introduced our product, the challenges it tackles, and its applications in the textile sector.

After that, he answered the students’ questions.

Also, our Adriana Santanocito was a protagonist at the Instant showcase at the Italian Embassy in Nairobi.

Our exhibit in Japan

Ohoskin in Japan

In Japan, we showcased our vegan orange and cactus leather alternative at the Italian Embassy in Japan in Tokyo. We were at the exhibit “Italia, ricicliAMO. Design e Economia Circolare.” It was organized with the Italian Japan-based architect Matteo Belfiore about circular economy and regenerative design. In fact, the exhibit focused on Italian companies that use waste or industrial and agricultural byproducts to create new materials and designs for the furniture, textile, and building industries. 

Asante Kenya, and Arigato Japan!

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