
Ohoskin and Moebeus join forces for a new awareness in circular economy

Some companies are born to make the planet a better place. Putting skills, ideas, and commitment to something bigger. But it is difficult to change the world on your own. Because to create a positive impact, it is necessary to combine skills and visions to improve strategies and goals. 

And that’s what “STAND UP!” did with its Capacity Building Program. It combined two very different innovations to multiply their potential for change. The protagonists, in this case, are Ohoskin® and Moebeus


Ohoskin® transforms the agricultural by-products of their land, Sicily, through a circular economy process into new material. A luxury orange and cactus vegan leather alternative; traceable and transparent. 


The Tuscan company is committed to spreading the circular economy principles through System Thinking and its Be-Circular toolMoebeus helps companies integrate positive and regenerative business models. As a result, companies understand their degree of sustainability concerning the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. 

The two companies have found common ground in the circular economy and created value. 


The collaboration

Moebeus had the opportunity to validate his analysis process and the tool developed with the University of Siena. It was stimulating and interesting for them to meet Ohoskin®, understand its processes and share its sustainability choices. 

In its turn, Ohoskin® could reflect upon its mission and its positive impact from a different point of view. Also, it discovered issues related to sustainability that it had never explored in its communication before. In this way, it became more aware of its communication strategies and gave a different – and more precise – direction to its brand identity. It is, in fact, easier to convey its commitment and scope by framing its activities and identity in the SDGs.

The Moebeus report also spotted the strengths and the opportunities in Ohoskin®’s communication. On this matter, Moebeus’s tool highlighted Ohoskin®’s communication’s influence on each macro-area identified by the United Nations. These are the Five ‘P’s: People, Planet, Partnership, Peace, Prosperity). In this way, Ohoskin® discovered its activity’s benefits not only to the planet but also to the people. As a matter of fact, the Ohoskin® not only wants to improve the environment in which people live but also in creating a fairer economy. 

What output did the collaboration create?

The report also highlights how Ohoskin® has the environmental aspect at the center of its activity. In fact, it complies with SDGs 15, 6, 13, and 14. These are about life on the landclean water and sanitationClimate Action, and Life below water. Also, the management choices show a clear vision of wanting to create a product that does not damage the environment. Ohoskin® is in fact committed to creating a material alternative to leather with a zero-waste and carbon-neutral process. At the same time, it manages to grow alongside its stakeholders, creating a social impact within its activities. This is made possible by reusing industrial byproducts that otherwise would be an environmental and economic cost. Therefore, it complies with SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production and 8, Decent work and economic growth

Finally, Ohoskin® contributes to creating an innovative, responsible, and fair industrial cohesion (SDG 9, Industry, innovation, and infrastructure).

Moebeus presented its methodology at Ecomondo – green technology expo. There, Moebeus has presented Ohoskin® as a virtuous example and case study of validation of the methodology. 

Finally, the paper “An integrated model for supporting aware decisions of companies in a circular and sustainable transition economy” described the collaboration. It was published in the Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering, and Management review. 

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